The Worst Thing to do After a Roaring Success (at Banting, Keto or anything)

Here is a VLOG entry of mine that explains what the absolute WORST THING YOU CAN DO is after having an epic successful week at anything. 

REMEMBER: All of the techniques I used in this video and in this transcript are used by our coaches at RMR to help you lose weight, and improve your health. 


Please follow me on Strava, like my runs and send me encouragement. It really really motivates me to crush this thing. 

My running coach is Jono Black, check him out here. 

My bio is Luke Wewege, you can mail him here.  


Here are the links to the rest of the articles

#01 – Sub 90 Half On The Banting And Keto Diet

#02 – Cold Turkey Vs ‘cutting Down’ On Banting And Keto

#03 – Self Sabotage on the Banting and Keto Diet 

#04 – Self-talk On Banting And Keto

#05 – The Sacred Art Of Biting The Bullet On Keto, Banting Or Anything

#06 – Getting Back in the Game, After Everything Has Fallen Apart


Hey guys. So this is my update. Uh, well, my latest update for my Southern 90 goal, I want to get a sub 90 half marathon and I set this goal about about eight or nine months ago.

And the point of the goal is really to demonstrate how we use various coaching tools at RMR to empower a client to actually follow through on a goal.


So obviously I’ve hit my ideal weight and I wanted to set a goal that I think is really, really difficult.

And then, you know, show you in real life, what problems come up and how I deal with them using all the coaching tools that we use RMR to help people lose weight.

And I’m really glad that it hasn’t been plain sailing. So there are like six other articles that I’ve written to date.


I started writing, like I said, nine months ago and my previous best time was a 1h53m half marathon. That was when I was 20 years old.

So I’m 36 now. And, um, and so, you know, about two years ago, I ran a half and I did like a 2h03min


And in fact, the best half marathon I’ve run in the last sort of 15 years, even through training for Ironman and swimming from Mozambique to Madagascar, it’s always been about two hours.


So I just want to give you an idea that a sub 90 half marathon is not an easy goal for me. This is a really tough goal.

And I wanted to change my relationship with running, from being a weekend warrior to being like a serious runner because sub90 is like a proper goal.

So I’m going to share my screen with you and show you a little bit about what’s been going on and just give you a recap.


And then, and then I’ll tell you where I stand at the moment. So I’m going to make this little icon smarter.

So this is my running profile on Strava. And I’ll put a link into the articles so that you can actually watch the video.

I mean, so that you can come and follow me on Strava while I go for this goal. But this is my running for the last year.


And so this is time. So that’s like June, 2020 during lockdown. And, um, and then you can see how many kilometers I ran on each week and what you’ll see here, which I blogged about previously was when I got COVID.

And so I got COVID at the end of December. And in that week between Christmas and new year, I was done, I couldn’t run or anything.

And then I actually blogged about this crazy depression that I got. I was totally paralyzed and didn’t want to do anything.

I felt like crap, total crap. Um, emotionally, mentally, physically, I just didn’t really want to move. So I went through some of the motions and I went for walks and stuff, but exercises really didn’t agree with me.


And there’s a link to that article in this post. And so up until then, I hadn’t actually done it a 21km time trial.

So my last article was about how to pull yourself out of a dark place where you think your goals are, are falling apart.


Now, obviously I set this goal in August and then immediately got hit with hiccups. 

I got injured, I had an issue with my toe. Um, I had to have cortisone injections in my toe, so it’s almost like the moment I invited the skull into my life.

I invited everything that could possibly go wrong to upset the goal. 

And it was only in mid November where I started to gain some traction and actually start picking up the mileage.


And then boom, all of a sudden early December, my toe was unplayable. And so was my foot.

I got a rough case of plantar fasciitis, which is a strained tendon in the bottom of my foot and I had to go for an injection in my toe knuckle. 

And then as I was recovering from the injection in my toe, I had to get, I went and got COVID.


And so I just spent two months basically with no training. And so this foundation of like six weeks of building up was sort of lost anyway.

So through February I kind of had a good week and a bad week. I mean, surely my mileage picked up, and then something amazing happened.

I started to feel really, really good, um, on the running front and I was sticking to the training schedule my coach gave me, and then in this week I ran a time trial.

So I want to share with you what my time trial looks like. Um, so I did a 1h38 half marathon.

And so let me tell you something else. The very first hiccup of this half marathon is that I finished the half marathon and I saw 21km on my watch and I pushed stop.


And so Strava won’t recognize that it was a half marathon because a half marathon is actually 21.1km. So I did this incredible personal best of one hour and 38 minutes.


And it doesn’t count.


Well, it doesn’t count because it’s not actually a half marathon, but these are my best stats.

Best 20 kilometer effort, best 10km effort, best 15km efforts and best 10km effort.

So that means in this half marathon, I got three personal bests for different distances. And what you can see here is I’ve also got a personal best for a 5k. And, I ran it in the last section. So over here I ran, a 4:18, 4:19, 4:10, a 4:12 and a 4:15.


And I think that works out to like 21 minutes and 12 second five kilometer, which is the best 5km I have ever done. 

So this run was like, unbelievable. It was the best run. I think I’ve ever had. I chose a very flat route near our holiday house in Betty’s Bay.

And it was so hectic that at the 15km mark, in fact, during this hectic km, my chest actually closed up and while I was breathing like I had something stuck in my lungs.

So I was, I was literally like using everything I could to try and get air into my lungs and my chest was closing up, but I just kept giving everything, absolutely everything I had.

And my heart rate was like, I think I had a heart rate of one 91 at one point. I think it goes up to one 91.


I emptied the tanks. I’ve never run like this before. And so I actually became quite emotional during the run because of everything I’ve been through. I had been through the COVID depression. I had been through the injured toe. I’ve had issues like knee and back niggles, I’d had flu and colds.

Everything that could’ve gone wrong had gone wrong.

And I managed to pull this out the bag and do it. So I was super-stoked, but then something ridiculous happened.


And this is so typical of everyone on a weight loss journey. And in fact, many people with many goals do this.

So I did the best performance I’ve ever done in my entire life. And instead of resting and, and letting my body recover the next week.

I decided to do the biggest week I have ever done in my whole life on Strava. I ran 54 kilometers and I climbed 1.8 kilometers.


The climax was actually on Sunday. So on the Sunday, I did this run from Llandudno to Hout Bay, and it was quite a chilled one. Only 17km, but the climb was like 832 meters up the back of this Ridge.

And I remember like at the end of the run, I was absolutely broken. I remember saying to my mates on the run.

The run was over the top of the back end of table mountain and down into Constantia Nek, and you can see here, the times are a joke, like a few kilometers at 16 minutes, 18 minutes.

And even at the end, when we were running down the mountain, the fastest pace I could get to was like, just under five minutes.


I was totally broken.


The next week, I remember I canceled my appointment with my bio on Wednesday and the following week, the most I could handle was 19km. I was totally broken.

So that’s like two small runs, you know, I did a 12km, which was super flat and then a little mountain run.

And then the following week went up to 33km, which was actually really chilled compared to what I’ve been doing before.

So only just bounced back, but my times were terrible. I felt pap and lazy. And I just said to my coach, like, I actually can’t do this.


I’m still broken. And so the lesson for me here is a lesson that I have known and a lesson that I give to people all the time, which is this lesson that my friend Thane and I came up with when we were running and training for Ironman.


The Golden Rule of IRONMAN we used to say is ‘When you’re feeling good, slow down’. Because so often when you’re feeling good, you think, Oh, feeling great!!! And then you speed up.


It’s easy to think, ‘Now’s the time for me to turn on the gas’, but actually turning on the gas and pushing yourself too hard when you feel in good, just empties the tank.

And so I completely empty the tanks and I’ve actually put myself back far beyond this level of fitness, where I was able to perform at my best.

In fact, my coach and my bio both suspect that I’ll only be able to do another time trial in like three or four months because of pushing it too hard.


Now, my body has this thing called central nervous system fatigue which is basically a form of deep exhaustion that crosses over your mind, your emotions and your body. But, it parallels the experience people have on the weight-loss front.

You know, we’re looking at building habits and what so often happens is we get stuck into this amazing habit and we’re feeling good and everything’s perfect.

And then what we feel like we need to do is throw extra straw onto the camel’s back.


And so if we’ve had an amazing week of fasting immediately, we think, okay, next week, I’m going to do fasting and I’m going to cut off a whole extra food group.

Or if I’m feeling really good at cutting out a food group, I’m going to cut off this whole extra thing.

And what happens is you overwhelm yourself and stuff it up. So the real learning for me in this is that even though I thought I was super fit, it is common logic that if you’ve given the best effort you’ve ever given in your entire life, the right thing to do is rest and recover.


And so if you’ve had one week where you have eaten better than you’ve ever eaten in your entire life, the worst thing you can do at the end of that week is like up the ante.


The best thing you can do is consolidate. And so I’ll challenge you to celebrate having an Epic week by consolidating and just trying to stick to that same level.


And usually when it comes to habit, forming the least amount of time you’re looking at is like four weeks and sometimes up to 12 weeks to just build one habit.


So the golden rule of amen is when you’re feeling good, slow down. And I’m going to say to you that the golden rule of any personal development project is that: 


“When you’re feeling good, slow down”


So I hope that was useful. Please follow me on Strava. Um, all the support and encouragement you can give me really makes a difference when people like my runs and comment and say, ‘Wow, that’s great’, or ‘I’m jealous, you get to run in the forest’, it all helps keep me motivated. 


And I REALLY want to break a sub 90 Half as soon as possible.


So I hope that helped have a good day!


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With power,

