
The 10 Commandments of beginner Banting/KETO

The first thing you need to remember in Beginner Banting is that weight loss is unique to everyone. But there are some standard rules to weight loss that apply to everyone.

Weight loss is as unique as your fingerprint. But fear not! There are some universal rules that apply to everyone’s Banting/Keto journey. In your initial months with Real Meal Revolution, you’ll likely see some impressive weight loss as your body adjusts to our fabulous programs. This is generally and exciting time and motivation and determination are easy to find. 

As time marches on though, you might hit a frustrating plateau. But don’t despair – think of it as your body’s way of giving you a chance to tune in and learn. Even if you’re following the Banting Food Lists like a saint and sticking to the rules with fervor, there might still be ways to speed up your progress.

Take a closer look at your diet; you might uncover hidden carbs or sneaky allergens that are slowing you down. It’s all about getting real with yourself and what’s on your plate.

Now, let’s dive into our 10 golden rules to rev up your weight loss if you’re feeling stuck:

The Commandments

    1.  Don’t Fear Fat: This is a biggie in Banting and Keto. Saturated and monounsaturated fats aren’t villains. They help keep you full and curb overeating when you’re cutting out carbs. Just stick to the Green List and steer clear of the Red List, and a bit of fat is perfectly fine and healthy.


    2. Veggie Up: Make sure vegetables are your meal’s MVP. They should be a major part of your diet, especially green ones, which are low in carbs and packed with nutrients. Variety is key, so load up on all the veggies from the Green List.


    3. Snacking is a Myth: When you’re in fat-burning mode, snacking is usually unnecessary. Forget the old advice about keeping your blood sugar steady with snacks. While you’re burning fat, you won’t even crave snacks.


    4. Re-educate Yourself: Watch out for carbs hiding in protein’s clothing. Foods like legumes, baked beans, peanuts, and quinoa can mess with your fat-burning goals. High-protein veggies can also be sneaky carb sources. Balance is crucial—more protein with more carbs isn’t your friend.

    5. Eat the Right Amount: Don’t overcompensate at mealtimes just because you’re skipping snacks. It takes practice, but you’ll get it down. Never force food—eat until you’re full and listen to your body. Reducing carbs and eating less overall will help manage your hunger better.

    6. Moderate Your Protein: Keto isn’t about going wild with protein. Our program promotes a low-carb, healthy fat diet, not a high-protein one. Your protein and fat intake will see only slight increases, with carbs taking the biggest hit for fabulous results.

    7. Stay Sharp: Many “healthy” products and pre-made meals are sneaky carb bombs (think thickeners and binding agents). Check labels like a pro—if carbs are over 5g per 100g or there’s anything from the Very Red list, skip it. Aim for whole foods that don’t need labels. Remember, if you couldn’t make it at home, it’s probably best to avoid it.

    8. Limit Fruits and Nuts: While fruits are tasty, they’re loaded with fructose—a type of sugar. Even though it’s natural, it’s still sugar. Stick to berries and control portions. Nuts are great but can be fattening if overdone. Opt for raw or dry-roasted nuts over standard roasted ones.

    9. Control Your Dairy: Dairy is nutrient-dense but contains lactose—a sugar that can hinder progress. Cut down to a quarter cup per day while in fat-burning mode. High-fat dairy is lower in lactose, with butter being your best bet.

    10. Stay Strong: Setting goals and having a strategy is crucial. Even the best archer can’t hit the target without a clear aim.


Watch what you drink. While we’re all about promoting health, alcohol isn’t our favorite friend. Dry wines, spirits, and low-energy beers are safer from a carb perspective, but remember, alcohol is still toxic. It can drain motivation and impair judgment. So, use this commandment as your “drinking disclaimer” and make wise choices.