Local actress and TV personality Euodia Samson has graced our screens in some of South Africa’s most loved television series such as SOS, Big Okes, Madam & Eve, Backstage and Newshounds to name but a few.
With a career spanning both television and theatre productions,Euodia is used to being in the public eye, now however the public interest in this local actress has shifted focus to the work she’s been doing in local communities such as Ocean View, taking the Banting diet to the poorer regions of the Western Cape.
Growing up Euodia describes herself as, “your typical thin legged, knocked knee’d, too large head for my body” type of child. She hadn’t battled with weight in her youth and it wasn’t until the birth of her children and the decision as a family to switch a ‘healthy low-fat’ diet that the weight began to creep on. At first it was 2–3kg’s a year that she was climbing in weight despite a strict low-fat diet and a rigorous exercise regime.
As a TV personality, Euodia describes her body and face as literally her income so there was no length she wasn’t prepared to go to, to ensure she was in the best possible physical shape. ‘I probably spent thousands of rands on potions and tablets and creams. I even injected myself with’umbilical fluid’ that had promised to get rid of my fat. All the results would be short lived and soon after disappointment would set in yet again as all the weight would return with what felt like even more vigor. I was constantly tired and had ‘brain fog’ my hair would often fall out in clumps. I even consulted my gynae as I started thinking that I might be going through the early onset of menopause. I suffered from constant aches and joint pains during this time too’ say Euodia of her battle before Banting.
It wasn’t until her husband, an old colleague of Prof Tim Noakes, decided to give Banting a shot and saw immediate results that she really sat up and paid attention to this lifestyle.
At first her family and friends were very sceptical assuming this was just another of her diet fads. It wasn’t until she admitted her sugar addiction and decided to conquer it once and for all that she made the lifestyle change in February 2015.
Now 7 months down the line and 18kgs lighter Euodia hasn’t looked back. Not only is she a prophetic banter but she is also now actively involved with The Noakes Foundation working in local communities to educate people on their food choices and to tackle the obesity epidemic, one community at a time.
Following the success of the Ocean View Project, Euodia says the stories of these ladies’ transformations has been both inspiring and heart-warming. Talking about the personal highlights for her she says it was often so much more than just weight loss, “one thing was for sure, other than weight loss and numerous health benefits, the community’s general outlook on life changed! Many individuals spoke to me privately regarding their depression, anxiety and other mental health and well-being issues that had been affecting them. This seemed to shift as the weeks of Banting progressed, with comments from family, friends and colleagues noticing positive changes in personality and mood from many people.”
One of the biggest challenges currently faced in these communities is the eradication of so many of the ‘community staples’ people are so accustomed to, such as rice, bread, potatoes, fizzy drinks and cakes.
So where to from here for this powerhouse local actress? Starting next week Euodia will be taking Banting to the Lavender Hill, Delft and Villiersdorp rural communities.
Asked what her best piece of advice for those new to Banting was, “see a doctor who understands Banting, read up as much as you can on the Banting lifestyle in The Real Meal Revolution and start with the basics.” The first few days may be tough as your body detoxes but persevere though as the overall rewards of renewed health, wellness and weight loss are worth the commitment.
Want to find out more about how to get started? Join our free trial of our Beginner Banting Online Programme today. With video lectures, cooking videos and recipes and a supportive forum – we’ll have you Banting like a champ in no time at all.