Varda Augistin

Age: 60
Country: Netherlands
City: Diel

Lost 16kg


Some six years ago I was obese (95 kilo), I had elevated blood pressure and I was overworked. I decided to do something about it. I quit my job and started to lose weight through eating LCHF and doing exercise. That was the first time I encountered RMR. I saw Prof. Noakes and decided to use the Real Meal Revolution as my guide. And, it worked. I lost 28kg.


I managed to keep it off for a couple of years, even with eating more carbs. About a year and a half ago I went into menopause and started gaining weight very quickly. I was bewildered. I didn’t know what to do. I started dieting again. I did keto and plant based. My doctor sent me to a dietitian who wanted me to eat a lot more carbs. I was so confused, but then I discovered RMR again, and this time I decided to go all the way.


I signed up for the Hero Program and One-on-One Coaching programs.


What was your relationship with food like before you started?


I saw food as something to enjoy. I grow my own vegetables and fruits. (We have a small organic farm). I cook almost every day for family and friends. I love food and I love cooking and baking.


How bad was your health, your energy levels?


I’m an outdoor person, I work with horses and do a lot of farmwork, and I exercise with my husband every night. So, I wasn’t in bad shape, but I weighed 83kg, I had a lot of headaches, and was tired quite often.


How did this impact the other areas of your life?


My weight and health before RMR hindered me from doing and enjoying all the things I had to do. I have a busy life. I work on the farm, my husband has Parkinson’s (MSA), I homeschool my granddaughter, who has brain-damage and I have more grandchildren to take care of.


What made you decide to make the change?


I decided to make the change because it was a necessity. I had preeclampsia when I was pregnant. And research shows that women who have this condition have a higher risk of developing heart problems. I also wanted to be fit for my husband and family and myself!


What were you expecting from the Hero Program?


I didn’t know what to expect. I was quite desperate when I started. But I had hope.


What did you actually get?


I got a great coach, who listened and understood my situation. I found the right macros (carbs, proteins and fat). I found my tribe, my Heroes, who encouraged me on my journey, made me laugh and helped me to become confident in trusting the process and myself.


What are some of the significant changes in your life that you believe came from the RMR Hero Program?


I made some significant changes. I made the green list my guideline. I do intermittent fasting, but also extended fasting. I plan my week around eating and fasting. I find it quite easy to follow my plan. But I stay flexible. I stick to the mantra: freedom and control.


How did your experience differ from other health or diet experiences you have had before?

My health is rocking. I have an enormous amount of energy. But most of all I’m confident in what I’m doing.


Give us some physical stats. How much weight have you lost? What other physical or mental benefits are you experiencing?


I lost more than 16kg (below goal weight). I sleep better. I have no headaches anymore. I’ve just turned 60, but I feel fitter than when I turned 50.


What kind of people do you think would benefit from the RMR Hero Program the way you have? 


If you’re the kind of person like me, who struggles with what to eat and you want to find out what works for your body and mind then the RMR Hero Program will be a great benefit.


How has this impacted your confidence?


This program had a great impact on my confidence. I now know how to eat fast and stay healthy. I’m sure I know what to do when I should fall off the wagon. Trust the process and process is the goal.


And what has the benefit been in other areas of your life?

Being healthy, being able to fast and eat the right food has had a lot of positive impact. I can be the mom, wife, grandma, friend, care-taker and teacher I want to be. I started a new company, growing more organic food and now am being innovative and working in cooperation with others.


Any last words?


For me it has really been a life changer. I’ve never felt like this ever before. In control, but also feeling liberated. I understand the values after two rounds of Hero. I made them my own.