Sam Bell

Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town

24kgs and 5 dress sizes (from a size 18 to a size 8)

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Sam Bell’s transformation catapulted her into a new side-hustle as a health coach and the Real Meal Revolution’s program coordinator. And, this is her story…


This is what Sam said life was like before Real Meal Revolution:


“Food was either a reward and a punishment. I didn’t enjoy food, it was simply a tool to get me thin. I would reward myself if I lost weight and I would starve myself if I gained weight.”


She tells us about her lowest low.


“I recall toasting and eating a whole loaf of bread in one go while standing at the kitchen counter. I would frequently stop off on the way home from work and buy pastries and cookies which I would devour in the car and then hide the wrappers from my husband.”


I was sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. I was the person at the office no-one wanted to ask “how are you” because I would have a long list of aches, pains, and sufferings to talk about. I caught every bug, flu, cold, sinus, tummy ache, chronic pain and allergy going around.


Good health was illusive. I would find fleeting moments of feeling good when I lost weight on the latest diet, followed by the depths of despair when I regained it after I could not sustain the diet. I avoided photo’s and became adept at hiding my weight with clothing and make-up. I was the one people would say “she could be quite pretty if she lost a few”.


She gave Banting ago, but at the time, ‘Banting was really just another diet I was willing to try’


Sam continues…In September 2015 I started contemplating banting. There was a lot of hype in the media and then I heard from a few people who’d tried it and found some success.


The first step was buying the red book. I expected a list of foods to eat and to avoid, and recipes to use.


I was intrigued by the background and science laid out at the beginning of the red book, so I joined the online course to learn more. I was blown away by the educational content, the educational videos and the support from RMR. I lack confidence in the kitchen, but the cooking videos were fun to watch and follow. It was through the education and cooking videos that I gained the confidence to explore new flavours and practice cooking techniques.


I fell in love with the simple way of eating, my hunger went away and the weight fell off seamlessly. I was struck by how little effort was required in maintaining the eating plan. The food was delicious and I was truly excited to prep, plan, cook and eat my meals for the first time ever!


And now?

5 years later I can genuinely say the weight loss feels more like a side benefit, than the main success. The most significant change was in gaining back mental health. I cried every day, filled with anger, frustration, doubt, helplessness and hopelessness. I was overwhelmed and burnt out. 


Within 6 months I felt I had reclaimed the old me buried so deep inside. The funny, lighthearted,

inspirational, caring, smart, strong, independent women I had been 10 years before. 


I lost 13kgs and 2 dress sizes in the first year. The next 2 years I lost another 8kgs and 2 dress sizes. In the last 18 months I lost another 3kgs and dropped another dress size. Since July, my weight stayed the same (more or less) and I dropped another 0.5 dress size. Total stats to date: 5 dress sizes (from a size 18 to a size 8) and 24kgs.


No more sinusitis, skin allergies, constipation, dry eye syndrome, asthma, fatigue, brain fog. I’ve noticed marked improvements in memory, problem solving, emotional agility, communication skill, mood stability and relationships.


Her final comment on RMR is as follows…


Anyone who struggles with their relationship with food, as well as anyone who can identify their health niggles relate to inflammation.


Sam has since completed numerous nutrition and health training programs including the RMR Banting Coach Training Course, various Nutrition Network courses,  nutrition certification through Precision Nutrition as well as professional health coach training through University of Free State and WithImpact.