
Rene Real

Country: South Africa
City: Benoni

Before Weight:

After Weight:

Banting Strictness:


Before I started Banting I tried many different so called diets but just couldnt lose weight. I was diagnosed with IBS and was told by a surgeon that I would have to use Movicol for the rest of my life. I was always bloated and severely constipated. I also suffered from terrible joint pains and in general just constantly felt sick and always tired.

Then I heard about Banting from a very good friend.

What happened next was that my life changed. I almost immediately started losing weight. For the first time in years I had energy and the joint pains have disappeared. I am no longer bloated and I have not used Movicol for almost a year. I feel healthier than I have felt in years!

And now it has become a lifestyle for us. We will never look back. We eat well, we feel healthy and we look fantastic! Between my husband and I we have lost almost 40kgs.

My final comment on Banting is…..thanks to Prof Tim Noakes and banting…….it has saved our lives!