Nicky Heyne

Age: 55
Country: South Africa
City: Milnerton, Cape Town
Before Weight:
After Weight:
WhatsApp Image 2021-03-15 at 17.50.02

Before coming to RMR my health was most certainly not a priority. I was happy sitting on the couch watching TV and comfort eating all day. The more weight I gained the more it gave me the licence to continually eat. I had no will power and felt continually disappointed and angry with myself.

Food became my best friend. On happy days, sad days, any days, food became my comfort. My relationship with food was like a rollercoaster ride all the way. I was the lady that started a new diet every Monday!

I felt unhealthy all the time, I had no energy, I was unfit and was helpless. The longer I felt like this the more I would seek comfort in eating.

I reached rock bottom when I weighed in at 93.5 kg. I had no energy and would make excuses as to why I couldn’t go for a walk with my family; why I couldn’t go to the beach; and worst of all, a lady who was as social as myself, started making excuses as to why I could not leave my home.

To be honest my confidence and self-esteem just hit rock bottom. I was always that girl standing in the back row for photos, at work functions would be that girl standing in the corner. Being so down in the dumps also affected my relationships with my family because I would always make excuses why I could not join in.

One day, a friend sent me a picture of us having a wonderful meal together, and it is that one photo that makes you feel THIS IS IT!

A good friend of mine had just lost over 20kg following the RMR lifestyle and I called and said “Jax, I am falling apart I cannot do this anymore, how did you lose all your weight – you are looking amazing”

I remember this day clearly as it was my birthday and that evening I received a call to say she had signed me up for a three month Online Course with Real Meal Revolution. That was when I started my Banting/Keto Lifestyle.

After the three months I decided to invest in myself and contact RMR to enquire about the Daily Online Keto and Banting Coaching and that very day I received a call from Jonno and I was sold.

I started the program and nearly reached my goal weight and then lockdown hit us and yes, I did battle to stay on track and yes, I did put back on weight! In October myself and two of my friends decided we would commit to a 30-day Keto challenge and now 1kg away from my goal weight I feel like a new kid on the block. I will never fall back into my old habits.

I most certainly was not expecting such an amazing transformation and a lifestyle change.

Who would have thought that I would jump out of bed in the morning and say to my husband ‘put your takkies on, we’re going for a walk’?

And a few months later it was ‘put your takkies on, let’s run and walk’ and now ’put on your takkies and let’s go for a 5km run’. I never did expect that.

What I got from RMR Coaching was support and personalised advice – this was incredible as I never felt as if I was a number on the books, and instead, I felt like a person who needed help, it was recognised and was never ending.

The meal plans were very helpful too. And did give me inspiration to cook interesting and tasty meals…

From RMR I have gained self-respect, self-esteem and self-confidence. I have and am still losing weight AND discovered exercising is actually fun. I have a new lifestyle!

RMR is not a diet, it is a lifestyle and with all the support, workshops, and advice you realise that this can become a way of life. The minute I took the word “diet” out of my vocabulary it became so much easier to change my lifestyle.

After losing 17kg, I have so much more confidence, I love to exercise, and I now am happy to go and spend the day on a beach with family and friends (I haven’t quite reached out for my bikini). And yes, I now am happy to be the lady in the front row of photos.

I think reading what I have written, I realise for the first time in a very long time – I do really like myself.

If you are the kind of person who regularly feels unhappy about your health and weight and is constantly trying different weight loss/fad diets, then RMR is for you – you learn how to change your lifestyle, not just stick to a diet. Because you feel so well on the RMR as well as losing weight, you realise that it is sustainable, and life continues well.

My confidence has improved 100% and I will never look back

Here I am, the change I was so keen for, has happened. I’ve had the confidence to change careers and believe that I can do that, my relationships with my family and my friends have become so positive. I initiate outings which is a first for me in a very long time.

My love life – well what can I say. We shall leave it there.

I am so thankful to have been introduced to the RMR’s programs. It has changed my life: from lifestyle to relationships and most importantly to food.

Believe me, I still love my food, I eat so well, but I am choosing what to eat, and this is a massive difference. And a first for me in a very long time – I cannot wait to buy myself a sporty little outfit.