
Angela Stemmet

Country: South Africa
City: Plettenberg Bay
Weight Lost:

We caught up with Angela Stemmet, Real Meal Revolution coaching client, and this is what she had to say…


Before I joined RMR my approach to my health was non-existent, it was not something that I thought about. I saw food as something that made me feel better, when I was sad, angry or bored. I would eat, and it made me feel happy for a short time and thereafter I would feel sorry for myself.


I was at a point where I no longer looked at myself in the mirror. Clothes shopping brought me to tears and afterwards I would just drown my unhappiness with food. 

I did not like the way I looked, to the point where I felt it was better for me to stay indoors and not go out to visit friends or go to the shops.


I was in a very dark place and I thought I’d never lose the weight and become healthy.

A friend of mine have not seen me in years and we met and she was so shocked about how much weight I have gained and it was there and then that I wanted to make the change. But I have felt like that before but the feeling never lasted long.

I actually discovered RMR by mistake while I was scrolling the internet for some miracle pill that would make me lose weight and came across the RMR site.

To be honest, I don’t know what I was expecting, I was just sure that I would just start on this journey and not finish it, just like before.

But I got a coach who held me accountable for what I committed to eating, and who supported me. The continuous support was, and is still the best.

In the past, I would usually lose 10kg and then lose interest or something or the person that helped me would be less motivated to help.

But this time, the weight loss has been amazing, and it hasn’t stopped. And now, I have so much more energy and improved mental health.


To date I have lost 31kg and 39.5cm around my waist. My feet and legs don’t hurt anymore, and I have so much energy. My mental health is so much better, I was so depressed before RMR and now it feels like the dark cloud has been lifted. I have a better relationship with food and I don’t see food as a crutch anymore when life gets me down.

If you are the kind of person who feels that everything else has failed regarding your health – mental and physical, then you would benefit from RMR.


The RMR program and my coach, Petrolene, have changed my life. Their continued support is what has gotten me this far. I am not yet where I want to be, but with them backing me, everything is possible.


Thanks so much.