Coconut French Toast


Unless you are in a flying rush in the morning, this is well worth it.

1 Serving

2 eggs, whisked
2 slices banting coconut bread
2 tbsp butter for frying
berry coulis/compote

¼ cup of berries (your favourite)
2 tbsp xylitol

serve with
1 tbsp berry coulis
¼ cup double thick greek yoghurt
6 raw, whole almonds, roughly chopped


Whisk the eggs very well and place in a flat bowl.

Heat a frying pan with the butter to a medium heat.

Soak the bread in the egg mixture for a few second on either side, so that the egg is sucked into the bread.

Fry the bread until golden on both sides.

To make the coulis/compote, place the berries in a pan with the xylitol and bring to simmer (the berries should release their own liquid – no need to add water). For a compote, leave the berries whole. For a coulis, simply puree the mixture using a food processor or a stick blender.

Serve the French toast with the coulis, almonds and yoghurt
