Bacon And Egg Cups


This is the kind of thing you can whip together on a Sunday night and simply warm first thing before breakie for the rest of the week. If the price of parmesan is a bit steep, feel free to add in cheddar or whatever cheese you like.

2 Servings

a little melted butter for greasing
6 rashers back or streaky bacon
40 g grated parmesan
2 eggs


Preheat your oven to 200C.

Grease two cups of a large muffin pan (or use ramekins) with a little melted butter.

Lay the bacon strips in the cups (or ramekins), overlapping so that there are no holes in the cup. Bake in the oven for 5 minutes to “set” the cup.

Take them out, sprinkle them with cheese before cracking the egg into the cup. Fold the ends of the bacon over the yolk of the egg.

Return to the oven and bake for a further 15 minutes.

Allow to cool for a few minutes and remove from the ramekins, using a paring knife or palette knife.

This is delicious served with a little salad of rocket leaves, halved cherry tomatoes and sliced avocado. In this shot, we’ve garnished them with a little dollop of cream cheese.
