Chicken Soup For The Soul


Chicken soup for the soul says it all. This is basically a repeat of the original stock making process, but you are doubling up on the nutrients and flavour.

6 Servings

400 g chicken thighs (boneless and thinly sliced)
1 medium stalk celery (cut into bite sized chunks)
3 thick leeks (sliced into thick discs)
1 large carrot (cut in half lengthways and then into 1cm thick pieces)
1 whole bay leaf
1 pinch salt and black pepper
1 handful italian parsley (roughly chopped)
50 ml lemon juice
1 l chicken stock


Place everything apart from the seasoning, parsley and lemon juice into a medium pot.

Pump the heat up until it hits a rolling boil, then drop it down to a gentle simmer.

Leave it like that for about an hour, topping up with water if it reduces too much (only top it up to the level at which you started, otherwise you’ll dilute it).

By this point the chicken should be tender and the vegetables should be soft.

Add the parsley and lemon juice and season with salt and pepper to taste and serve.
