
Set the goals for your best year yet

“Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible” – Tony Robbins

It’s the start of a new year and most people have kicked off 2016 with some form of New Year’s resolution. These resolutions often fall by the wayside after a few weeks and for most of us it’s a quick slide back into old habits.

Resolutions aren’t the best way to actually achieve success during the course of a year. This is why we believe a far more reliable way of actually sticking to something is to set both short term and long term goals.

For those of you who followed Jonno’s six-pack challenge you’ll know that this is not the first time we’ve spoken about carving goals into stone. At the start of this 28 Day “I’m Possible” Challenge we’re going to talk goals again so that 2016 can be your best (and healthiest) year yet.

Take a moment to think about the goals that you want to achieve this year. You may want to break them down into various categories such a health, fitness, lifestyle, career, family, finance, etc.

Having a goal acts as a constant reminder of what you need to accomplish. It’s a representation of your innermost desires. Therefore, having a goal written down with a set date for accomplishment gives you something to plan and work towards.

It also helps to keep you focused. Knowing what you want to achieve and what it is you’re working towards allows you to stay focused on achieving that goal.

More than keeping you focused, setting your goal in stone helps to make you accountable. Often we talk about what we want or what we are going to achieve, but until we set a goal in stone we are in no way obligated to take any form of action.

Finally, goals allow you to measure progress. By setting goals for yourself you are able to measure your progress because you know what it is you are working towards and what your starting point is.

After a festive season, presumably, filled with an abundance of eating, drinking and social events, it’s time to push the reset button, start afresh and decide what you want to achieve for your health and wellness in 2016.

So, let’s get started…

Firstly, don’t allow yourself to wallow in guilt for what you may have eaten over the holidays, the weight you may have put on, or how you may have fallen off the Bantwagon. Rather focus your energy on setting definitive goals for what you want to achieve in 2016.


Take a look at your overall health and decide how you want to improve. You might want to lose weight, or run 5kms or enter your first triathlon. Maybe you just want to stop feeding your body junk food and start nourishing it with real healthy food or do you want to improve the health of your family? Document these goals, write them down and look at them every day. Don’t see your weight loss or health goals as a New Year’s resolution; here today forgotten tomorrow, or as a quick fix weight loss plan. It’s a lifestyle change – one that you will embrace over the course of 2016, and one with lasting results.

The first week of the New Year is the perfect time to recap on some of the goal setting techniques we’ve discussed before.

You may have heard people refer to SMART Goals, but what exactly is a SMART goal?



Smart goals are goal that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound.

So get out a piece of paper and a pen and write down what it is you want to achieve by the end of 2016, as well as something you’d like to achieve within the next 28 days.


We’d love you to share these goals with us so that we can encourage you. Pop us an email at


Enter our Facebook competition. We’re giving away a three month subscription to our online Banting program to the person who takes the most creative photo of their goals and shares it with us. Write your goals on the bathroom mirror, keep them in your car’s sun visor – be as creative as you can so that you will be reminded of these goals every day.

Once you know what it is you want to achieve, the next steps to achieving them will be a lot simpler.

You have a year of possibility ahead of you. Tell yourself that you are possible and that you are ready to embrace 2016 as the healthiest year of your life.

Follow us on Facebook for the rest of the challenge.

For a much more hands on approach to Banting, take our online course and receive two months subscription for free .