
Reviews from the early adapters of Banting 2.0

Banting 2.0 hit the shelves of South African stores to great excitement as the first print run is almost sold out (it’s already sold out on Takealot) at the start of the third week.

Banting 2.0 is a fresh approach to health and weight loss, with a big focus being on lifestyle and the health of the gut. With the introduction of the four phases, Banting as we know it has changed in an awesome way.

This is what some of the members of our Banting community and our very own Banting coaches had to say about it.

“A fantastic read. Your pocket coach for optimum health.” Malcolm Coombes, London, UK, Certified Banting Coach


“I am very, very excited about Banting 2.0. I have indeed familiarised myself with both the online program and the book and think that it is:

  • Well laid out
  • The 4 Phases are excellent
  • The Lists are clearly laid out and sensible
  • There is clarity that each person must make Banting their own; It is not a book of rules but principles and ideas and options
  • The price is also better – I think the first book did well to have full-page photos for the cookbook for people like me who needed to see how well one eats on Banting. The size and no colour make it more affordable.”

Yorke Rodda, Pretoria, South Africa, Certified Banting Coach


“Awesome, really awesome. It covers everything and just makes sense. Thank you!” Suzanne Martin, Pretoria, South Africa, Certified Banting Coach


“My Christmas present to myself. Loving it,” Anne Whitehouse Gray, member of the Banting community


“It’s fascinating,” Annemarie Truter, Jhb, South Africa, Certified Banting Coach


“I found lots of good info compared to the previous version. More strict on fat intake during Transformation.” Paul, member of the Banting community.


I agree wholeheartedly that the new approach is ideal for many. It’s also less overwhelming as they can get used to it slowly.” Willemien Nieman, Certified Banting Coach


“During the Observation phase you learn why cutting out carbs and sugar is so important. I think it depends on each individual as to how long it takes to accept the information as fact, their resolve would probably be stronger. I’m impressed with the Restoration phase. It is what was missing in my personal journey. I am now eating organic, GMO free and free range, my immune system is responding so quickly. I have had a rash for almost 5 years. It’s nearly cleared up, and that after just two weeks.” Rowena James, Banting Coach in Training


If you like what you see here, why not give yourself or a loved one the gift of good health? Buy the book or sign up to the Online Program. Don’t wait to reclaim your health.

Find Banting 2.0 at Exclusive Books, Wordsworth, various CNAs, and Checkers. It will be in print internationally in June 2017.