Jonno’s Handing Over the Apron – But RMR’s Still Cooking!

Continuing the RMR Legacy – A Message from Jonno & Roan

A message from Jonno:


It’s with a mixture of gratitude and excitement that I write to share some big news: after nearly a decade at the helm of Real Meal Revolution, I’ll be transitioning out of my role over the next year. As I step into a new chapter, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our journey together and express my heartfelt thanks.

When we launched in 2013, the world wasn’t quite ready for what we unleashed. I’ll never forget the sight of bookstores stacked high with red-covered copies of The Real Meal Revolution, the flood of media interviews, and the heated Banting debates that filled our airwaves. We didn’t just start a company; we ignited a movement. Together, we revolutionised health and nutrition, one meal at a time.

None of this would have been possible without the incredible people and organisations that stood alongside us. 

My co-authors Prof Tim Noakes, Sally-Ann Creed, David Grier and Bridget Surtees all brought something unique without which, this revolution would never have happened. Quivertree and Little Brown crafted beautiful books that became icons. Lima Bean built the technology that made our mission accessible to millions. The Noakes Foundation provided a rock-solid scientific foundation, paving the way for new discoveries and debates. 

Most importantly, you – the customers and community members – showed up every single day, grabbing your health by the horns and transforming your lives. You are the heartbeat of this revolution, and it’s because of your grit, determination, and passion that we’ve been able to make the world a healthier, happier place.

This journey has taught me so much, particularly about the art and science of transformation. The hero’s journey is not just a concept – it’s a lived experience that I’ve witnessed in you and in myself. This passion for transformation, coupled with my love for making tough topics approachable, has inspired my next adventure: film production. My goal is to create advertising, television and films that leave a lasting impact – whether by inspiring deep reflection through storytelling or simply by entertaining in a way that brings joy.

While I transition, I’m thrilled to introduce the new captain steering the RMR ship: Roan Mackintosh. Roan, a psychologist with two decades of experience in the online space, has decided to leave the corporate world to embark on more meaningful, purpose-driven work. With Roan’s leadership, and support from Tessa, Bridget, Victoria and the rest of the team, I have no doubt that RMR will reach new heights. From improving customer service to launching a brand-new app and refining existing programs, Roan is poised to take our revolution even further.

As I step away, I want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Thank you for trusting us with your health. Thank you for sharing your stories of triumph. Thank you for being part of something bigger than all of us. This has been an extraordinary chapter in my life, and I’m forever grateful to have shared it with you.

This isn’t goodbye – it’s see you soon. The revolution continues, and I can’t wait to watch it flourish from the sidelines.

With power,

Jonno Proudfoot


A message from Roan:


I’d like to start with a heartfelt thanks to Jonno – not only for the flattering intro above but also for the passion and dedication that he has poured into this community. And for the faith he has placed in me that I can do the revolution justice in taking things forward with equal vigour. 

So I guess the question on everyone’s mind is why me… why did I choose Real Meal Revolution? And the answer is relatively simple – I want to add real value! 

At the beginning of 2024, I found myself at a crossroads – I’d left a two-decade career in digital advertising and stepped down as regional Managing Director of a global media & technology business. And while I am proud of my achievements, in retrospect, there was still something missing. In June 2024 I met Jonno. And working alongside him for the remainder of the year, I realised what was missing – true value and impact! Like many of you, I’ve now seen first-hand how the power of real food can change lives fundamentally. And it’s a lived experience for me too – I did a Perfect Keto course with the team in November and I have not only lost 10 kilograms but I’ve also experienced the multiple other benefits like reduced inflammation, improved sleep & a clearer mind. The biggest thing for me though is not the weight loss, but rather that I now feel confident that I will be able to keep up with two rambunctious young sons (now 3 & almost 5) as they grow up. I had kids later than most and having the energy to really be present in my kids’ lives was a concern – not any more. So I am not only generally healthier, but I am also showing up as a better husband and father too. Real Value!

RMR isn’t just a business to me – it’s a platform that has helped tens of thousands of people take control of their health, break free from diet myths, and rediscover what it means to feel great. And I want to ensure that this impact continues to grow.

So what’s Next?

Jonno will always be part of the DNA of RMR and I want to assure you that our core mission remains the same – to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and support needed to make lasting, sustainable changes to your health.

I’m deeply passionate about community, education, and innovation, and I’m looking forward to bringing fresh energy, new ideas, and exciting updates to make RMR even better. But most importantly, I’m here to listen too. We love to hear what it is that you love about the RMR community and what you think we should be doing to make it better – so keep the suggestions coming!

To Jonno – thank you again for everything you’ve built. And to all of you, our RMR community, thank you for trusting us with your journey. I can’t wait to connect, learn from you, and continue this adventure together.

Let’s make this next chapter of Real Meal Revolution the most powerful one yet! 🚀

With Power,
