
There is a Banting Doctor in the house!

Dr. Stephan Vosloo is a Real Meal Revolution trained Certified Banting Coach

At Real Meal Revolution we take the health of our Banters very seriously, and this is why we have enlisted the help of Dr. Stephan Vosloo.

Dr. Vosloo is not only a Certified Banting Coach (CBC), he is also our in-house doctor or “The Banting Doc” as he has become known.

“The Banting Doc” has his very own Real Groups, which are Banting Support Groups that are available as both online and face-to-face groups. He offers his groups support, as well as medical expertise, to address their various health queries and concerns. He also provides his expertise to other CBCs and their Real Group members.

Dr. Vosloo not only advocates Banting from a medical standpoint, but also from his personal experience, below is some “banter” on his personal journey:

Real Story:”

I am a qualified medical practitioner who had a powerful revelation about the role of diet and exercise in the development of most diseases. I want to help my patients find relief, and healing from chronic illness, by helping them with their eating habits and exercise.

I have personally gone from weighing 116kgs to 105kgs on my Banting journey. I have the professional knowledge to help my Real Group members, but I also have the personal experience.

“Real Influence:”

I will offer my Real Groups training and support through regular consultations as well as connect members with each other. I will also address the role that “eating right” has in conjunction with chronic illnesses like hypertension, diabetes, depression and autoimmune diseases. In this way, I combine eating right, spirituality and exercise.