Banting Diet Facts

William Banting: The Original Weight Loss Pioneer


William Banting, a British undertaker, found himself grappling with obesity and a deep desire to shed the excess weight. In 1862, he consulted his doctor, William Harvey, who introduced him to a groundbreaking eating plan that embraced high fat while dramatically reducing carbohydrate intake. This radical approach transformed Banting’s health, leading to impressive weight loss. So inspired by his results, he penned an open letter to the public titled “Letter on Corpulence,” which quickly gained traction and spread far and wide. As more individuals began to adopt this eating plan to shed pounds, the term “banting” — or to “bant” — became the go-to phrase for this transformative diet.

What are we designed to eat?

Banting is all about returning to our roots and embracing the foods that humans were designed to eat—foods that early humans thrived on over 200,000 years ago. Renowned biologists, geneticists, and paleoanthropologists agree that our genes have barely changed since we first walked the earth. If we could condense the entire timeline of human history into just one day, we’ve only spent five minutes eating cereals and grains and a mere five seconds indulging in sugar. That’s just a blink in the grand scheme of our existence!


Following the incredible weight loss success of William Banting with his low-carb, high-fat eating plan, the “banting” diet became a staple treatment for weight loss in major medical schools across Europe and North America. However, shockingly, in 1959, this revolutionary approach was removed from all key medical and nutritional textbooks, leaving many to wonder about the wisdom behind modern dietary guidelines.

The disastrous dietary guidelines

In 1977, the US government introduced the Dietary Goals for the United States, which recommended a high-carb, low-fat diet—essentially the opposite of what humans had thrived on for most of our existence. The guidelines suggested that we consume six to eleven servings of grains each day, while sugar was deemed acceptable to sprinkle on just about everything. This approach quickly spread throughout the Western world, leading to a surge of low-fat food products flooding the market.


Unfortunately, this dietary shift has had catastrophic consequences for our health. Since the early 1980s, obesity and diabetes rates have skyrocketed, raising the question: can we really call this a coincidence? The connection between these dietary guidelines and the rise in lifestyle-related diseases is a conversation that cannot be ignored.

The common misconception

There’s a pervasive myth that consuming fat—particularly saturated fat—is detrimental to your health and a leading cause of high blood pressure, heart disease, and obesity. This misconception stems from a flawed study by Ancel Keys back in 1953, which inaccurately linked fat consumption to these health issues. The reality is quite different: a diet rich in carbohydrates, especially refined carbs and sugars, is primarily responsible for obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.


Moreover, the vegetable oils and margarine that many health advocates tout as heart-healthy can actually contribute to heart disease, despite what manufacturers claim. It’s essential to challenge these outdated beliefs and recognise that the true culprits behind these health issues lie in our diets high in refined carbs and sugars, not in the fats we eat.

But don’t we need carbohydrates to survive?

You might find it surprising, but among the three macronutrients—protein, fat, and carbohydrates—only carbohydrates are non-essential for human survival. Our bodies rely on fats to function properly, and without enough protein, we can develop protein-calorie malnutrition within just a few months. On the other hand, cutting carbohydrates from your diet has no adverse short- or long-term effects, aside from the often beneficial weight loss, especially for those who are overweight.


While our bodies do need a steady supply of glucose, there’s no need to consume it through carbohydrates. The liver can produce glucose from fats and proteins, making it clear that carbs aren’t necessary in our diets.

The Cholesterol Myth

When folks first dive into the world of Banting, the common concern is, “But what about my cholesterol?” Well, here’s the scoop: cholesterol isn’t the bad guy in the heart disease story. Think of it like a police officer showing up at the scene of a crime; it’s there to protect you, not cause trouble! Cholesterol only sticks to ‘leaky’ artery walls that have been damaged by inflammation, acting as a safeguard.

Living high on carbs and sugar keeps those arteries inflamed, which is no bueno for your health. Sugar is the ultimate troublemaker for inflammation, and it’ll keep robbing you of optimal health. Plus, grains break down into sugar in your body, meaning a high-carb diet fuels inflammation not just in your arteries but also in your brain, liver, digestive tract, and joints. This inflammation is linked to many so-called ‘incurable’ chronic diseases.


But here’s the good news! Many people experience relief from these issues in just a short time after switching to the Banting lifestyle. So, why not give it a go and see how great you can feel?

Additional Information

Dive into the world of Banting and discover a treasure trove of information and research that highlights how this diet can help you shed pounds, tackle common health issues, and boost your energy levels. To get you started, we’ve gathered a wealth of resources below.

First up is The Real Meal Revolution book, your go-to guide packed with comprehensive insights, practical tips, and mouth-watering recipes to keep you motivated on your journey. But that’s not all! We also offer an interactive online program designed to elevate your experience. This program features engaging video lectures, a variety of supportive tools tailored for your weight-loss goals, exclusive recipes not found in the book, hands-on cooking lessons, and an active community forum where you can connect with fellow participants.

Embrace the Banting lifestyle and transform your health today!