
Banting led to Gillian Geldenhuys feeling like her life had only truly just begun.

Banting led to Gillian Geldenhuys feeling like her life had only truly just begun.

Gillian had not realized the adverse effects sugar and carbs were having on her life. They comprised her health as she suffered from blood sugar problems and IBS. Banting helped Gillian to improve this health as well as get to a better place mentally and emotionally with her body image.

Banting helped Gillian to gain a new brighter look on life and helps her live each day to the fullest. Gillian too wants to assist you with your Banting journey so that it too can change your life.

She has thus become a Certified Banting Coach to help to inspire others towards a more physically and mentally rewarding lifestyle. To be a part of this Banting revolution, you can join one of Gillian’s Real Groups; available as either an Online Group or Face-To-Face Groups.

Gillian shares some ‘banter’ on her personal Banting Journey:

“I started Banting at the same time as embarking on a brand-new journey of self-discovery and personal development. Factors contributing to this included my food management studies and my body’s rapidly deteriorating ability to manage sugar. Changing to this low carb high fat (LCHF) eating plan perfectly complimented my new life both physically and emotionally.

I not only lost weight but my blood sugar levels stabilized, and I was showing fewer symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome I had been suffering with. In some ways, it feels like my life only really began at this point. I had yet to realize the extent to which my mind was consumed by the struggle of being out of control of my body.

The new me has a far more positive outlook on life. I have heaps of energy and the motivation to learn and grow by conquering my fears on a daily basis. My incredibly rewarding Banting experience has ignited a passion within me for this lifestyle, which I want everybody to know about it. I want to scream its praises from the rooftops!

The sooner everyone realizes how great they can feel when they feed their bodies the Banting way the better. My mission as a Certified Banting Coach for the Real Meal Revolution is to help people conquer their fear of change, equipping them with the knowledge and tools to become masters of their own destiny”.

For more “banter” on Gillian’s personal story and to see her Real Group that you can join, visit his homepage.

There are currently 120 passionate and dedicated Certified Banting Coaches across the world, each with a unique approach to health and weight loss, in our system. To find a group that suits your specific needs.