
Revolutionary Banting News from the week that was (30 January – 5 February 17)

South Pacific islands ban western junk food
A group of south Pacific islands has put a stop to foreign junk food being imported onto their shores so that they can focus on the food that they grow themselves. They are hoping this will improve the health of the inhabitants.

“We are Vanuatu’s most isolated province and so far our health has stayed pretty good because of that, but we want to continue to be healthy,” says Father Luc Dini, a community leader and head of the local tourism council.

“In other provinces that have adopted western diets you see pretty young girls but when they smile they have rotten teeth, because the sugar has broken down their teeth. We don’t want that to happen here and we don’t want to develop the illnesses that come with a western junk food diet.”

This makes us very excited! We hope to see a lot more countries taking a stand and banning unhealthy junk foods infavour of the amazing produce that they are able to grow themselves.
Sugar is found to be as bad for pregnant women as smoking
Justas secondhand smoking is dangerous to infants and children, scientists are discovering how “secondhand sugars” can harm children’s development and long-term health. The sugars a mother consumes while pregnant and breastfeeding can be passed onto her baby and have an effect on healthy growth, development and can increase the risk of obesity.

Children are exposed to sugars everywhere from infant formulas, cereals, sugary drinks, to public school meal programs and everything in between.

“It’s clear, though, that obesity starts with non-volitional exposure to sugar in the womb and during critical periods of development,” says Michael Goran, professor of preventive medicine and paediatrics at the University of Southern California.
Follow a low-carb, high-fat diet (LCHF) to reverse diabetes risk factors – or avoid them completely
In a recent article, Anne Mullens speaks about her recent diagnosis of pre-diabetes and how she and many others have reversed their pre-diabetes and diabetes by following an LCHF lifestyle.

“Low-carb diets have been around for years, but adding healthy fat is the new twist. Fats from dairy, nuts, fish and eggs (including the yolk) are healthy, whereas overconsumption of vegetable oils and trans fats can lead to chronic disease. A growing body of evidence shows our 30-year message to avoid fat has been misguided and fat instead is satiating, good for the heart and brain, and, compared to other food groups, has the least impact on insulin release.”

“In May [last] year, the online U.K. diabetes forum diabetes.co.uk announced that as part of a study where 120,000 people had signed up for its ten-week low carb/high fat program, the majority reported improved blood glucose and weight loss on the diet.”

For almost a decade, Swedish GP Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt has been counseling his pre-diabetes, T2 diabetes, and obese patients to switch to a low-carb, high-fat diet. “In weeks and months they got better, their diabetes reversed and they could get off drugs,” said Dr Eenfeldt.

Start following an LCHF lifestyle and reclaim your health today by signing up to our Online Program.
New twist in Noakes Case
According to a recent investigation in the US, Ali Dhansay has been linked to the International Life Sciences Institute, also known as “Coca-Cola proxy.” Not only was he found to have worked with Coca-Cola, but also to Mars and Nestle.

“This week the Medical Research Council’s executive committee distanced itself from Dhansay’s evidence given at Noakes’ Health Professions’ Council of SA disciplinary hearing. It said it would investigate his alleged links to the sugar industry.”
New research has linked vegetable oil consumption to dementia
Scientists now claim that vegetable oil can cause plaque build up in the brain, which is a known precursor to dementia and other serious neurodegenerative diseases.

Dr Cartherine Shanahan says that although other oils can do this, it’s more prevalent in vegetable oil. She said: “Vegetable oil causes oxidative stress, which damages brain membranes and results in plaque building up in the brain.

Research in 2015 found that cooking vegetable oils releases high concentrations of chemicals called aldehydes, which have been linked to illnesses including cancer, heart disease and dementia.

Heating up butter, olive oil and lard in tests produced lower levels of aldehydes, with coconut oil producing the least.

Professor John Stein, Oxford’s emeritus professor of neuroscience says vegetable oils are rich in omega 6 fatty acids, which lead to a reduction of omega 3 fatty acids in the brain, which are crucial for health.