
Banting is helping to save Duke Coulbanis’s life.

Banting is helping to save Duke Coulbanis’s life, one kg at a time.

Doctors told Duke that he had to change his lifestyle because he was at risk of having a heart attack before the age of 45. This reality turned Duke onto Banting, and he has, so far, been able to lose 20kgs. Banting is helping Duke save his own life, and he wants you to share in his journey by supporting you on your own lifestyle change.

Seeing the impact Banting has made on his life, Duke decided to become a Certified Banting Coach (CBC). As a CBC, Duke can now give hope to his Real Group members that they don’t have to Bant alone. Real Groups are Banting support groups that are available as online and face-to-face groups.

Duke wants to help his Group members feel empowered along their individual Banting journeys. Duke knows how daunting end goals can seem, but with the help of your Real Groups, anything is possible.

Duke shares some personal ‘banter’ about his journey:

“All my adult life I have struggled with an ever-increasing waistline. I tried a handful of weight-loss programmes but failed. I began to think that I lacked the discipline and willpower to lose the excess weight. To make matters worse, I was diagnosed with hypertension, insulin resistance and sleep apnoea.

When my beautiful twins were born, I started to feel guilty about my body weight. I decided that I couldn’t keep neglecting my health. My doctor told me that I was at risk of suffering a heart attack before the age of 45. It was at this stage of complete desperation that Banting came into my life. I heard about the Real Meal Revolution book at a dinner party and soon after I began reading it, I also registered for the Online Beginner Banting Course. I would say the rest is history, but this wonderful story is still being written, and it certainly makes for an inspiring read.

Before I started Banting the doctors told me I needed to lose 85kg. I thought this was impossible without bariatric surgery and medication. Today, I can confidently declare this weight will be lost, and I am convinced I will no longer need my insulin medication.

Since I started Banting, I have lost 20kgs and feel fantastic. I am looking forward to losing the next 65kg with you as your Certified Banting Coach. We will inspire and support each other, learning together from our combined experience. Ask yourself: What goals are you too afraid to set for yourself? Is that fear preventing you from living the rewarding life you deserve? Join my group and let’s break through these barriers as a team together.”

For more “banter” on Duke’s personal story and to see his Real Group that you can join, visit his homepage.

There are currently 120 passionate and dedicated Certified Banting Coaches across the world, each with a unique approach to health and weight loss, in our system. To find a group that suits your specific needs.