
Jenny Butler

Country: South Africa
City: Durban
Before Weight:
After Weight:
Banting Strictness:

Before I started Banting I had a huge stomach, suffered from IBS (badly!), snored, had apnea, used to get headaches, had sinus problems, suffered from terrible menopausal hot flushes for 15 years whenever I tried to go off my HRTs, could hardly bend to cut my toenails, and was plagued by outbreaks of boils.

Then I heard about it from my daughter, who showed me a 20-minute video of Tim Noakes on the “skinnynews”

What happened next was I was struck my Tim Noakes’s comment: “If you have a big belly, you are probably insulin resistant”. Straight away, I said to my husband I was going to try this for a few months… what did I have to lose?

And now I weight about 57 kgs, am back to a size 32 jeans, snoring stopped, apnea gone, boils GONE, IBS GONE, I’m off HRTs, not a single headache for 14 months, sinus problems gone, and finally I have a waist again and I can bend!

My final comment on Banting is I am eternally grateful to Tim Noakes! If not for his wake up call, I would have ended up diabetic like my mother and my grandmother (I always thought my body was genetically doomed to be that size at that age).