Jonno working it

Low-Carb Banting Meal Plans by Real Meal Revolution

Real Meal Revolution Low-Carb Banting Meal Plans

Every week, Jonno and his team club their heads together to come up with the most delicious way to approach low-carb, gluten-free and sugar-free living.

To help you win at life, no matter how busy you may be, we design our low carb meal plans with great consideration for cooking times, use of left overs, budget and general life hacks.

You may believe, like we do, that life is too short to follow a strict, meal-tracking, carb-counting diet forever. And that’s what our meal plans are set to prove.

For Real Meal Revolution members, meal plans are divided into our Banting phases, which is a short way of saying ‘different levels of seriousness’.


This ‘Phase’ covers the first few weeks of anyone’s journey with us. Members in Restoration stick to medium-carb, sugar free and gluten-free recipes and ingredients from the Banting Orange and Green lists in unlimited quantities.


After members have got the hang of regularly eating, real delicious food and they are ready to start losing weight faster, they start following Transformation meal plans. These meal plans are very low-carb with 50g or fewer per day. They also only use ingredients from the Banting Green list, with limited quantities of Orange listed ingredients.


When you reach your Awesome Weight, or you realise you were awesome all along, Preservation is the next natural step. Preservation meal plans are higher in carbs, but remain gluten-free, sugar-free and free from unprocessed sugar. Some naughtiness becomes available to you as items from the Light Red list start to appear. Preservation assumes that by this point in the game you will have a firm grasp of the affects certain foods will have on you, so you may find you don’t need a meal plan at all. But just in case you do, we’ve got you covered.

Of course the meal plans need to be easy to read:

And they’re all linked to our amazing shopping list creator

With a lot of them containing live demos from best-selling cookery author, Jonno Proudfoot.

And of obviously only the most delicious Real Meal Revolution recipes

And step by step guidance from Jonno himself, to make your life easier!

And, this is only a fraction of what we really do…

If you’re keen on getting in on this action, we run occasional limited deals through this link. There may be slots left if they’re not sold out already.